The NORWEX mission is to improve quality of life by radically reducing the use of chemicals in personal care and cleaning. This blog is made up of helpful information, tips and some amazing facts. Enjoy!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Cleaning Paste vs. De Scaler

People often ask what the difference is between the Cleaning Paste and the De Scaler and if they can use one instead of the other. For me, I am all about maximum effect for minimal effort so I think you need both and here is why:

The De Scaler is an acidic solution that is absolutely amazing at removing Hard Water spots and scale (spray leave it on for 3 minutes and wipe off with an Envirocloth ... it really is that easy). I use this on the walls of the shower, the glass doors, the shower head (where the scale develops) and anywhere else I have scale or am concerned about water spots.

I have also found the De Scaler useful at removing the scale deposits in my toilets. Although you can't always see it (white scale on white porcelain), I could feel it with my Envirocloth (it was rough and the cloth would catch). It is on this scale that I would get that ugly black/pink build up that no one wants to talk about (under the rim and at the water line). The scale on the inside of the toilet allows a biofilm to grow and by removing the scale/biofilm regularly - your toilet stays cleaner for longer. I tried removing the scale with Cleaning Paste + elbow grease with not much luck (it was also was way more effort than I wanted to put in, I mean who wants to scrub the toilet bowl?). So instead, I sprayed the bowl with De Scaler, let it work its magic for 3 minutes, did a quick wipe and flushed the toilet. The scale was gone along with some other debris that I could never reach farther down the trap (BONUS for me!). Needless to say, I now spray the toilet bowls after every few cleanings!

I love the De Scaler but it does have a couple drawbacks and this is why you also need the Cleaning Paste.

1) You can't use the De Scaler on all natural stone surfaces.
If you have 'Granite', Marble or Travertine - BEWARE. Marble and Travertine are composed of a mineral called Calcite (or Dolomite, that's the Geologist in me coming out) and many 'Granites' also have Calcite in them. Hard water scale is composed of the same mineral - Calcite. So it is pretty hard to dissolve the scale without dissolving your tiles or counter. You need another option. For this you can use the Cleaning Paste to scrub/polish off the hard water deposits.

2) Soap Scum.
The De Scaler is not effective at removing soap scum. I use the De Scaler on the walls and the Cleaning Paste on the tub and floor of the shower stall. The Cleaning Paste takes off soap scum with minimal effort and when used with an Envirocloth, you'll know exactly where you have cleaned because the cloth will catch on all the soap scum. Essentially you can close your eyes and clean by feel!

** I put 'Granite' in quotations because I am referring to what are typically called 'Granite' counters. The geological definition of a granite is very different.

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